Want a Great Nights Sleep, Better Have Great Sheets!

The Story behind a great night’s sleep at Colonial Gardens B&B
We have all heard it before, prepare your body for sleep. For some folks that means a hard work out & hot shower, for others it means a spa like wind down of body and mind. I happen to be of the latter group in which I need a hot soak in the tub with some lavender essential oil and then maybe a few pages of a relaxing read book.

We also know that the correct mattress is essential for deep restful sleep which is why here at Colonial Gardens B&B we use only the best solid latex mattresses for ourselves and our guests, no need to worry if you have a latex allergy, the latex never touches you. Latex mattress users report having reduced pain and better sleep quality due to the natural rubber which relieves pressure points in spine and neck areas among others

But the Piece de resistance of a great night’s sleep has got to be the linens. High thread counts may sound like a better sheet, but don’t be seduced by that because that just makes them thicker and heavier, which in turn makes them hotter. A great sheet starts with great cotton, Egyptian cotton at that, which is far superior to any other. Anything over 400 threat count is actually a manipulated fabric which at that point are most likely two fabrics woven together.

Many of the highest end linen companies do not even mention a thread count on their web sites because they really do not matter. Another problem with a high TC is that they most likely have a synthetic finish which will wash off after some washings and look different plus be less soft as the film dissipates.

Synthetics fibers like micro fibers, polyester, bamboo, rayon and so on will tend to hold heat in and that makes for a less than comfortable night’s sleep.

Our linens here at Colonial Gardens are an amazingly comfortable 100% Egyptian, long staple cotton.

There’s nothing that feels quite like climbing into a freshly ironed, clean & crisp set of sheets. That’s what you will get when you sleep here. When you wake up and think I need these at my home, you are in luck, you can take a set home with you & at a great price just ask your innkeeper. A Queen size 4 piece set sells for well over $200 online but we sell them for $129 a set for Queen and $149 for King! And they will last for years! Can also be bought online here and sent right to your front door.

Our wonderful sheets come from Elegant Linens

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